Gifts For The Bride & Groom With No Wedding List

Believe it or not, when you’re invited to a wedding, you’re kind of expected to bring a gift with you. Even those who specifically say, no gifts kind of expect you to ignore their attempts at humility and get them a gift. It’s crazy but part of the world we live in.

Gifts For The Bride & Groom With No Wedding List 1

Thankfully, most couples that are tying the knot will have made a wedding list from which you can pick a prezzie to buy them, even if that just means putting some money toward something they like. However, not all bride-and-grooms-to-be do this, which is when you are tasked with the all-too-tricky task of making a decision. We know. This sucks. Most people can’t even decide what cereal they want for brekky, nevermind pick out the perfect gift from an endless sea of websites.

But that’s what we’re here for.

So, without further ado, here are some amazing present ideas for you to feast your eyes on:

  1. Bride & Groom Christmas Tree Decorations

If you’ve ever been to someone’s house during the holiday period and spotted a tree full of baubles that mean something, you’ll know just how special this sight is. So why not embrace that fact and buy the bride and groom some tree decorations, but plush and fancy ones, in the form of gingerbread people.

  1. Hampers Were Made For This Moment

There are hamper’s for pretty much every occasion where choice is involved, and that’s because they take the risk out of guessing. Just have a peek at the Hamper Lounge offering. They’ve got Father’s Day covered, they’ve got pampering down, gourmet treats ready to be shipped and bits and bobs specifically for the home. Basically, when you’re in a wedding present muddle, head to the hamper section of the Internet.

  1. Make A Charitable Donation For Them

One of the most amazing, brilliant, thought-worthy and clever things you can do for a wedding present is make a charitable donation in their name. It could be a charity that you know is super-close to their heart, perhaps they absolutely adore a certain animal or maybe there is a cause that you want to put money toward. Either way, it will be the gift that just keeps giving.

  1. Experiences Are Absolutely Everything

Let’s clear something up shall we: wedding presents don’t have to be materialistic. In fact, the best wedding presents step out of the consumer spotlight and into the realm of experiential. It could be a day on a boat, flying lessons at the local school, a meal at the swanky new restaurant in town, bungee jumping, a track day, testing session or anything else you can think of (we’ve exhausted out brain). Stuff is fine, but memories are magical.

  1. Art.

If you have an eye for art – and know what their tastes are like – then why not treat them to something that will liven up their home, dance on their wall and, who knows, maybe even go up in value over the years. Maybe you know a budding artist or maybe you’ve stumbled across something you think is perfect – handing over some art (in a stunning frame) is a great present.


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