How to get more blog followers & comments

How to get more blog followers & comments

How to get more blog followers & Comments

Welcome to this weeks Tecky Tuesday, today I will look at how to encourage your readers to start posting and becoming part of your blogs community. Last week I posted 5 Tips on how to increase your traffic, this is a follow on from that in how to get comments as a conversion. One of the major things that I wanted from my blog when I started out was to get people to comment on the posts that I write. I must admit it really helps seeing people interact with the posts that you create. It is a great encouragement to push through when you are having a tough time posting on your blog or thinking is blogging worth it. One of the major issues is that on average about 1 out of about 100 people have time to interact with a post. How do you manage to turn a reader into one that shares their opinion? Below are my 5 top tips for increasing comments and building a blogging community.

1. Ask a question!
When you write a post, ask something from your readers. Your readers are a lot more likely to share their opinion on a post that has asked them something. If your post is fully rounded, and doesn’t leave them room to get involved they won’t be able to post. I’ve learnt and discovered from the comments left on my posts.

2. Talk back to people that comment
If you do have readers that have taken time to write on your blog, start by writing back to them. It shows them that their views are worthwhile. You can get a discussion going and will bring them back to your site if you answer your readers questions.

3. Be controversial
This is a bit of a strange one, write a controversial post. I see many bloggers do this and it can spark quite a lot of attention to your blog, The downside of this is that you might open yourself up for some anger and hate. But as they say, any publicity is good publicity. I’ve written both positive and negative product reviews, which have been talking points on my blog. Being honest about an item, even if gifted, is important. Readers interact more with an honest review as it is more relatable and reliable, they can then share their own experiences, opinions and their own reviews. It is important to encourage people to come to your site even if it is just to disagree with you. I wouldn’t do it regularly, but it can help a little!

4. Write posts that others can interact with
When you write a post think about what your end goal of that post is. If you can get others to interact with your post they will likely keep coming back in the future to interact with yourself and your blog posts. You will also get more interesting responses that you can respond too, rather than a blogger just leaving a link to their own blog.

5. Make it easy to comment
I think it is important to make it as easy as possible to comment. I use to get a lot fewer comments prior to switching my comment system. I moved over to using Disqus. It makes it possible for people who do not to have an account to comment. It also allows you to set up an account and start talking on loads of different blogs just using your Twitter or Facebook as a login. I would recommend anyone to try it out. If you want I will show you how to set it up on WordPress and on Blogger.

I would love to know what you do on your blog to encourage people to post regularly and build up discussions. What are your tips on how to get more blog followers. If you have found this post of use please like it and share it on social media. Remember to check out my previously Tecky Tuesday posts for some blogging tips.


  1. Shiwanie
    2014/05/27 / 16:26

    This is really helpful!

  2. Sarah C
    2014/05/27 / 16:28

    Good tips! Will have to keep these things in mind when writing a post…

  3. 2014/05/27 / 16:42

    I wouldn’t mind seeing a little tutorial on putting Disqus comments on Blogger!

    • Patricia Belle
      2014/05/27 / 17:03

      Me too!

      • drawnby featherlines
        2014/05/27 / 18:39

        Definitely :)

  4. Ottilie
    2014/05/27 / 16:49

    Love all these posts, they are so helpful! Just wondering if you could possibly do one on becoming affiliates for companys and how best to do it?

  5. madisoncharlotte
    2014/05/27 / 18:03

    You made some really great points, the ‘controversial’ point is something I hadn’t thought of before :)

  6. 2014/05/27 / 18:14

    Really enjoyed reading this, it’s great to hear how other people gain comments on their blog. I agree with you, I love interacting with other bloggers, it’s great motivation! x

  7. beautylovesbooks
    2014/05/27 / 19:10

    Really nice post! I indeed comment more often on controversial topics.

  8. mikaylaa.s
    2014/05/27 / 19:15

    Really great post! A lot of really great points, especially the controversial one, I had one in mind but wasn’t sure if I was actually going to post it! techy tuesday is so helpful to new bloggers!


  9. 2014/05/27 / 19:20

    Useful tips! I definitely think interaction is the way to go :)

  10. Joy Bomer
    2014/05/27 / 19:27

    Great post! At first I thought it was a little awkward to ask a question in my posts but now it just comes naturally…

  11. Amelia Holly
    2014/05/27 / 19:38

    Great tips! A how to on setting up disqus would be great!

  12. 2014/05/27 / 19:42

    Once again, thanks for sharing those tips with us, it is super helpful! And I would really like you to show us how you put Disqus on, you always explain thing in an easy way, I love that!

  13. August Art
    2014/05/27 / 20:30

    Great tips. I would love to see how to switch to disqus. Thank you :)

    x x

  14. Freedom and Me
    2014/05/27 / 20:48

    I’m starting out on my blog so this are perfect tips for me. Thank you!
    I find that asking a question at the end of every post makes me feel more connecting to my readers too

  15. Mel
    2014/05/27 / 20:55

    I think I’m the only blogger out there who can’t get the whole asking a question at the end of a post thing to work. I’ve seen it work for so many bloggers but it’s the posts without the question that earn me the most amount of comments.

  16. Antonella Zammit
    2014/05/27 / 21:23

    Great tips ! Sometimes I really want to comment on someones post but their coment system is so complicated ! I just leave it then :/

  17. 2014/05/27 / 21:28

    Just switched to Disqus. Love the features that allow you to see the comments from their application. So much easier than blogger or WP.

  18. 2014/05/27 / 21:56

    I love Disqus but I’ve heard others have issues with it so I have avoided adding it to my blog. Maybe it’s about time to give it a try. Hopefully it will help with my readers’ interaction!

  19. 2014/05/27 / 21:58

    I just want to say that I absolutely love your Tecky Tuesday blog posts! They are so helpful!

  20. Camila
    2014/05/28 / 01:20

    I love Disqus and really wish I had started my blog on blogger to get it without being self-hosted. Do you know if there is a way to put it on
    Thanks for your Tecky Tuesdays, it is super helpful! :)

  21. nueyork
    2014/05/28 / 02:39

    I’ve just recently started getting more and more comments on my posts, and it really is motivating to see that people are actually reading everything you have to say instead of clicking out.

    I definitely agree with adding a question to the post, particularly the end, because a lot of my comments are people replying to what I’ve asked or sharing their opinion on the product itself.

    • Britny
      2014/05/28 / 23:07

      This is encouraging! I will definitely make it a point to be more engaging!

  22. lulu
    2014/05/28 / 05:34

    super awesome tips! Thank you <3

  23. 2014/05/28 / 05:43

    I also use Disqus. Comments were non existent before I added it. I also began asking questions or giving a ‘call to action’ as one blogger describes it.

  24. tash
    2014/05/28 / 10:47

    I put the comments on my own blog, thank you I much prefer it as everyone can interact:) Great post

  25. 2014/05/28 / 11:10

    Thanks Mary, great tips! I recently added disqus to my site as I have found it a lot easier commenting myself on other blogs.

  26. Rachel
    2014/05/28 / 12:25

    Thank you for the tips

  27. Ellen W.
    2014/05/28 / 14:54

    These are great tips! I am still working on my blog, but I hope to one day make it the personal blog that I want it to be.

  28. Dani Martin
    2014/05/28 / 15:00

    Great tips :-) I’m still struggling to gain more readers as my blog is still quite new, so hopefully these will help! I’d also love to know how to add Disqus on blogger :-)

  29. 2014/05/28 / 15:21

    It’s also great to reward readers and subscribers, that’s why I’m hosting a giveaway to thank everyone!

    I’m hosting a La Roche-Posay and Avéne giveaway on my blog. Check it out!



    • Sabrina Johnson
      2014/05/28 / 21:16

      I will definitely check it out. Love Avene products :) x x

  30. emcass
    2014/05/28 / 18:33

    Great tips! Thank you x

  31. Sabrina Johnson
    2014/05/28 / 21:15

    Fab tips! What a great post!

    Beans x x

  32. Britny
    2014/05/28 / 23:06

    Thank you for the tips! i love learning more as I am just a rookie blogger.. lol Thanks for taking the time to help us out!

  33. 2014/05/29 / 02:12

    Great tips! Thanks for sharing.

    Keisha xo

  34. Abi Thrasher
    2014/05/29 / 14:51

    Great tips!:) x

  35. Leanna
    2014/05/29 / 17:03

    Great Tips! I would love a post on how to set up Disqus!

  36. 2014/05/29 / 17:42

    Thanks for the info! I never much cared how many people visited my blog or left comments, but it would be nice to build up a blogging community instead of just friends and family that follow by email :)

  37. Becca
    2014/06/04 / 02:08

    thanks for the tips. If you had the time to checkout my blog it’d be great :)

  38. Kimberly Nelms
    2014/06/10 / 00:15

    Great Tips!

  39. Scovelo Consulting
    2022/04/05 / 08:51

    This is an exact blog that I’ve been needing. Thank you so much.

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