Revlon Neon Nail Art Review – #130 Laser Beam Blue

Revlon Neon Nail Art ReviewRevlon Neon Nail Art 130 Laser Beam

I bought this Neon Revlon Nail Art polish a while ago but hadn’t tried it until today. I must say I was really unimpressed with it. Looking online now so many people seem to not rate it either so it isn’t just me.

  1. Starting off with swatch 1 – I didn’t read the instructions so just painted my swatch straight with the blue. The polish was thin and see-through but blobby and didn’t spread easily or evenly. It didn’t dry glossy either and took 4 coats to end up looking even, smooth, glossy, but isn’t what I’d call a glossy shade.
  2. Swatch 2 – Realising I should read the instructions I did as required, 2 coats of the white polish topped with 2 coats of the blue. The white polish is meant to build up a background to make the neon colour really pop and stand out. The white polish was a different consistency and as a polish on its own is very good, after 2 coats it gave a good block, even colour. Applying the blue over the top looked so dark with 2 layers of polish and seemed to look so close to my 1st swatch but took double the time.
  3. Swatch 3 – I strayed away from the instructions applying 1 coat of the white polish and then one of the blue. As you can see it gives a far better neon colour but is so streaky, even though I tried my best to get it even. It’s a weak colour and very inconsistent on the swatch but the closest to the neon shade.

Overall I like the white polish on its own but this isn’t a neon blue and applying 4 layers of polish to achieve this effect really isn’t worth the time. I also am really not keen on the packaging, I can’t store my tube of polish easily like my other nail polish bottles.

Have you had any good results with Revlon Neon Nail Art?

Any recommendations for alternative Neon Nail Polish?

Revlon Neon Nail Art #130 Laser Beam



  1. Pili G
    2014/02/23 / 20:05

    sucks, it didn’t work like it should have! I saw it and was about to buy it, I guess I’ll get a different neon. Nice post
    lovely blog!

  2. 2014/02/23 / 20:17

    I usually go for darker shades of blue, and I don’t do nail art. The colours are beautiful though.

  3. Hayley
    2014/02/23 / 20:52

    I love to read an honest post on new products! X

  4. Hannah Cox
    2014/02/23 / 21:01

    How annoying! It looks beautiful in the bottle :-(

    Hannah x | lovelettersandsnippets

  5. Ellie
    2014/02/23 / 21:20

    I love a good honest post!

    At least now I know not to buy if, but the colour is lovely!


    Elephant stories and more

  6. 2014/02/23 / 23:56

    How frustrating! If you’re looking for a neon blue, one of my favourite bright bright blues is Nails Inc Baker Street. It’s not 100% neon, but as close as you can get, and it’s even and opaque.


  7. 2014/02/24 / 04:31

    I have not tried any of the Revlon Neon Nail Art. I am not much into nail polish, probably because I am a lousy nail painter…..LOL!

  8. 2014/02/24 / 18:49

    Ah what a shame, looks so nice in the bottle as well D: I’ve tried a fair few neon polishes and honestly never really found one that I 100% loved, I guess it’s a difficult effect to get right really.

    Natalie | Broke Student Fashion

  9. Bargain Trendsetter
    2014/02/25 / 03:24

    Wow, its quite stunning in the bottle. That’s too bad. I would definitely recommend “Illamasqua Noble” if you’re looking for a striking, bright neon blue, its £14.50 per bottle. Here’s the link: It’s actually a little darker than on the site. Let me know how it works out! :)

  10. Paula Frances Evans
    2014/03/05 / 11:57

    They have tons of these on all shades in the pound shop. Obviously they didnt sell very well, the £ shop bought them in bulk.

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