What Your Wedding Has Always Needed

Are you in the middle of planning your wedding at the minute? Well, we know how stressed you’re going to be. All of the little details that you’re going to have to try and remember, might not come to you as easily as you might think. Which leads to planning, re-planning, and planning again. No doubt you’ll have some outside help here with family and friends, but it doesn’t mean that everything is going to be sorted on time. But, the show must go and, and all of the planning will be more than worth it in the end. Even if you get all the right details, we think we know some things that your wedding has always needed, that it might not always have had. So, have a read of the advice we’ve got below, and see if you’re missing any of these from your wedding day. What Your Wedding Has Always Needed 1 A Party Atmosphere Everyone is always so focused on getting the actual day right, that they forget the evening is often the most important part. For all the planning that goes into something like this, the actual ceremony and getting out of the church doesn’t take very long at all. It’s the wedding reception where all the fun happens, and your guests are there for so long, it’s important to try and keep them entertained. If the atmosphere is one of a party, people are going to be far more inclined to stay a while longer. So, the first thing you need to do is get yourself a good DJ, who won’t play boring old songs. You need them to be playing all of the banger to get the people on the dance floor. You need to make sure the bar is heavily stocked up, and you could even put some bottles behind there so some drinks are free. As long as you’re dancing and encouraging everyone to get up, the night should go on forever. What Your Wedding Has Always Needed 2 An Outdoor Venue An outdoor venue is far less regimented than an indoor one. Whether you have the ceremony and the reception outdoors, or just the reception, it’s still better than being cooped up in our eyes. If you check out Fews Marquees, you’ll find some beautifully decorate marquees that would be perfect for your wedding day. A lot of them are decorated to look like some sort of princess castle, which is a vibe that we know most of your brides are going to absolutely love! Something For The Kids When the wedding night is getting on a little, you’ll notice that the guest with children begin to fizzle out, some of which might be your best friends who you had hoped would spend the whole night! To save any disappointment when people try and leave, do something that will keep the kids entertained for longer. I know this can be costly, there are legit online lenders like  to help you see this through! It might be separate room with plenty of blankets and pillows, and with a big screen TV to watch a film on. You can always keep checking in on them, and it allows the adults to have a great evening long into the night! Photo c/o Stories Of I Do Leeds Wedding Photography


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