Why a Healthy Gut is Important For Wellbeing

The condition of your gut is a good indicator of your health and wellbeing overall. People who are fit and heathy, with fewer annual illnesses, tend to have a more varied and balanced gut microbiome populated with plenty of ‘good’ bacteria. Conversely, people who are obese and in poorer health are more likely to have an abundance of the so-called ‘bad’ bacteria in their gut. This therefore suggests that there’s a correlation between gut health and wellbeing. 

But what can you do to make sure your gut is thriving with friendly bacteria? There are several ways. One of the simplest measures you can take is by eating a balanced and varied diet that’s low in sugar and processed foods. 

It also helps to add a probiotic supplement to your diet to introduce heathy bacteria, especially following a course of antibiotics which will have decimated your gut flora. Nestle BOOST Optimum is rich in probiotics, which are essential for overall gut health.  It also contains other vital nutrients and vitamins, all of which contribute towards health and wellbeing. 

But why exactly is the type of bacteria in your gut so important? And what does it mean for your physical and mental health? 

Aids with digestion

Your body relies on your digestive tract to rid it of waste and toxins, therefore your gut needs to be in the best condition in order to carry out this important function. If your digestive tract is in poor health or is packed with bad bacteria, then it’ll struggle to do its job properly. This can cause numerous health issues, such as inflammation, chronic fatigue, diarrhoea or constipation, brain fog, bloating, and many, many others. It makes sense therefore that when your gut isn’t working efficiently, it has a negative knock-on effect on your entire body health as a whole. 

Strengthens immune system

Research suggests that having a diverse community of good gut flora might have a positive effect on your immune system. This is partly because the bulk of the cells which make up your immune system are found within the digestive tract. As a result, having an abundance of good gut bacteria in your intestinal tract is associated with a reduced risk of illness, disease, allergies, and autoimmune conditions. You’re therefore less prone to illnesses and better at recovering from infections if your gut is populated with more friendly bacteria.

Improves mental health

There has been a lot of research into a possible association between gut flora and mental health. Studies have found that people suffering from mental illnesses, such as depression, might benefit from the introduction of friendly gut bacteria. There has also been research to support the hypothesis that people suffering from certain psychological disorders have a different gut flora than that of healthy individuals. Moreover, the antidepressant neurotransmitter, serotonin, is mostly produced in the digestive tract; whilst your gut is physically connected to your brain via millions of nerve cells. This suggests that having a ‘gut feeling’ is more than just in your head. 


Gut health is important for overall body and mental health. By keeping your digestive tract topped up with good bacteria, you’re more likely to enjoy better health overall. 


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