When it comes to winter and motorcycle riding, not all regions and countries are the same. In some regions or countries, it snows relentlessly and, in some areas, the temperature drops below zero but there is no snow. Snowy weather and a cold-weather both are two different things. You can cope with winter and wind but add some snow and there goes your visibility. As much tempting as it may be to drive through a snowy climate, it can also be dangerous if proper precautions are not taken.

With that said, winter for bike riders and car drivers are not the same. Where cars have the built-in feature of the heater and a closed infrastructure there are no such facilities in a motorbike. There is no heater and there is no roof. You will have to cut through the cold and chilly winds in winter while maintaining your health and bike’s performance. 

Whether if you live in an area where it snows in the winter or whether you live in an area where the temperature makes the water in your local lakes freeze to ice. In this article, I will share with you the top 5 tips that you can follow to ensure riding your bike safely through the winter season. 

1- Wear proper attire 

First thing’s first, you are going to freeze if you think you can just put on some regular winter clothes and go for a motorcycle ride. To remain comfortable while going through long open freezing cold roads requires you to wear proper attire.

Wearing winter riding gear items like motorcycle leather jackets, rugged boots, gloves, glasses, scarfs, and a helmet, etc. can increase your ability to cope with the weather. If you are a female rider or have a partner than ensure they wear women’s motorcycle jackets to stay cozy in winter seasons.  

2- Reduce your speed 

Well on the risk of sounding cliché, let me advise you to slow down. Most motorcycle enthusiasts are not fans of riding their modified and highly tuned bikes at slow speeds. Riding at high speeds while constantly touching the limits of traffic laws, this is a common practice among impassioned and experienced bikers. 

Riding a motorcycle is all about thrill, excitement, and style. However, turning the accelerator to increase the speed is not a skill, slowing down when it comes to it while fighting against your temptations is the skill. You will have better control over your ride when you reduce your speed. Thus, reducing the chances of a crash. 

3- Mind the traction 

Cold climates have the tendency to decrease the ‘traction’ of the roads and making the tiers of all automobiles cold. Low traction and cold tiers are a recipe for disaster, to begin with. Not only will it bring down the ability to control your ride but will also increase the chances of a fall due to slipperiness.  Therefore, if your ride’s tires are old and traction less then it is better that you stop reading this, and go change your ride’s tires. 


If your bike’s tires are not in good shape than it is more than imperative that you get new ones because old tires can increase the chances of a fall. 

4- Stop riding 

There are times when you can handle the weather and continue to ride. But sometimes, climates take a turn for the worse. In winter seasons, in some regions or areas, snowstorms are common. If you belong to such an area. It is important if you see a snowstorm is developing and your destination is far than find shelter immediately. 

Snow falling can reduce your visibility to zero which is extremely dangerous because not only that you will not be able to see other vehicles on the road, but also the other vehicles will not be able to see you that can ultimately increase the chances of a collision. 

To avoid such a fate, it is better to wait for the storm to pass rather than taking yourself and your ride into dangerous and risky situations. 

5- Be in touch with an automobile repair/service shop 

Climates can sometimes be ruthless and uncertain; you never know what is going to happen. In such climates, if your two-wheeler brakes down in the middle of the road with no service or repair shop in sight for miles can be a real problem. 

To avoid such a predicament, it is vital that before leaving for a trip ensure you talk to a nearby service shop give them your number ask for theirs, so you can reach them if you need help in case of an emergency. 


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