An Expert’s Guide to Passing Time on Your Travels

An Expert’s Guide to Passing Time on Your Travels 1

Whether you prefer action-packed adventure holidays or relaxing city breaks, we all know the benefits a good trip away can bring. Studies have even shown that getaways can boost our health for months after we’ve returned home – so if you’ve been planning to travel, there’s never been a better reason to book your tickets. 

But whatever your dream destination, travel isn’t all about luxury hotels or exploring the local culture. The faff of getting from A to B can seriously dampen your holiday, especially if you’re travelling between different cities or countries as part of your trip. 

The good news is that there are ways you can transform your travel time. From playing baccarat from to brushing up on your language skills, read on to find out some of our other top tips for passing time on your travels.  


  • Learn a new language


If you’re travelling to somewhere that doesn’t speak English, learning some useful words and phrases in the native language is an excellent way to prepare. Start with basic words such as ‘hello’, ‘goodbye’, ‘please’, and ‘thank you’, before moving on to questions such as ‘may I have …?’ or ‘where is the …?’.  

Language learning apps such as DuoLingo are great if you’ll have access to your phone or laptop. Alternatively, if your language skills are already pretty good, try listening to a podcast in the language you’re learning. This will help you to ‘tune in’ to the vocabulary and get into practise before you arrive. 


  • Start a journal 


Travel journals can be a beautiful way to keep track of your trip, save souvenirs, and bring your memories back home with you. Although we’re now taking more photographs than ever, it’s all too easy to let images get lost in our phone galleries. By keeping a travel journal, you can create a lasting memento of your travels. 

Whether you’re a would-be travel blogger who wants to record every stage of your journey, or a scrapbooker who wants to create a visual log with ticket stubs and poloroids, there are no rules when it comes to journals – so let your creativity free!


  • Meditation


Travel may be one of the most exciting and life-enriching things a person can do – but it can also be exhausting. It’s important not to let yourself get too run down during your trip, especially if you’re going backpacking for a few months and won’t have many chances to recharge. 

Whether you’re travelling by plane, train, coach, or boat, meditation can be a brilliant way of passing time on your travels, as well as getting some extra rest and relaxation without becoming jetlagged. If you have a fear of flying, it can also help steady your nerves and stop you from feeling anxious. 

To reap the full benefits of meditation during your travels, it’s a good idea to practice in a quiet corner of your home before your trip. Start by sitting comfortably and close your eyes, then focus carefully on your breathing. It might take some getting used to, but with some practice, you’ll be able to meditate in a range of environments when you’re out and about – which can help bring moments of calm to even the busiest travel plan. 


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