Colgate Max White Review
I was recently sent some Colgate Max White Toothpaste* to review. I have always wanted whiter teeth, looked into getting my teeth whitened (although I never have) and how to improve the whiteness of my teeth with my everyday routine. I was really interested in trying the Colgate Max as is claims to give you instantly visible whiter teeth. The small print says that the formula contains clinically proven optic brighteners that provide a temporary effect. So unlike teeth whitening that lasts this is a gentler treatment that is temporary.
The toothpaste is blue/grey with speckles through it and is the same as many other Colgate toothpaste in taste/texture/use. I did use an Braun Oral-B TriZone 3000 Toothbrush which I do find makes my teeth look far whiter than I can get with other toothbrushes. I did notice a whitening effect with this toothpaste and using it everyday keeps the brightening effect up. It’s a great, easy way to whiten your teeth slightly without having to change any of your routine or go out of your way.
What are your Teeth Whitening tips?
I’m always looking for a good whitening toothpaste, this one sounds lovely :) xx
I’m going to have to pick this baby up! I’m always down for extra pearly whites! :) Thanks for your review!
I use the Colgate Whitening Strip and they are a gift from the Greek gods. All you need is about 3 strips, and the box has 20. My teeth were white and looked so pretty, and I still have them white even though I’ve stopped using the whitening strips so as not to overpass the ‘whiteness’ of my teeth. I recommend them highly! They are so good and they do deliver results! And they didn’t make my teeth sensitive as getting them whitened at the dentist would, and also, these whitening strips are a bit costly but far better results than a $200 trip to get them whitened at the dentist and leaving your teeth super sensitive!
I just bought this toothpaste.. I’m really glad you did a review on it!! I hope it works for me too :)
I try to stay away from tea and wine. But thanks for recommending this :)
Ella x
I stopped using Colgate and Blend-a-Med toothpaste believing they have acids which are destroing enamel. Maybe I’m crazy, don’t know, but I trully beleve that.
However I want white teeth as white they can be without odontologist’s help. I use Lacalut White.
Ir doesn’t have those ingredients scaring me.
I swish with coconut oil for 20 minutes every morning. It not only whitens teeth, but removes toxins from your body to make you healthier!
Really?? That is super interesting I’ve never heard that!
I’ve heard of that but can’t imagine liking having oil in my mouth, or not talking for 20 mins :p Id miss my mint but may have to try it. Is the the coconut oil for cooking or more beauty products, does anyone know? x
There are 2 tipes of coconut oil.
1 is refined and other unrefined. For beauty masks usually unrefined is used.
You can find it in pharmacy or shops of natural products, I ordered one from online. Its white, solid and has no smell. When using it all you will need is to melt it in your hands and apply from roots to hair tips. Leave it for 1-2 hours, as long you want cause there will be no harm for you. Rinse your hair as usual and Voila! shiny, soft and beautiful hair!
That coconut oil seems to be good for absolutely everything! :o Granting that having to spend 20 minutes of my morning with coconut water in my mouth does not sound doable in the slightest… >_>
Awesome Post! I cant wait to give this a try
Good to know that it works! I’ve used some whitening strips a few times, but haven’t really focused on it. I’d love to find a good one though and might try that one!
I haven’t tried the toothpaste, but I’ve been using the mouthwash, it’s not bad! Time to try the toothpaste soon (: x
Whitening toothpastes don’t usually work for me, I use bicarbonate of soda when I want to whiten my teeth a bit. I drink a lot of coffee and tea and this trick gets rid of the staining after one use. I’m glad this toothpaste is working for you though, at least you’ve found a method which is good for you xx
I’ve tried whitening toothpastes before but I never noticed any difference. I guess there’s no harm in trying this though. Hopefully the only affect it will have on my sensitive teeth is making them whiter (and cleaning them obviously).
I use Crest white strips at least once every two weeks. I also use Crest whitening mouthwash on a nightly basis. It works amazing!
Connie | Sponsored by Coffee
Arm and Hammer works, I can always see a difference, but the taste takes a little getting used to.
NK |
you have to try 3D Crest white strips – they work in just a couple days!
I think I will! Must check it out! x
I have used this one and it works great.thanks for sharing.xoxoxo
Ive been using the Colgate Optic White for about 9 months now and I think it’s great. You definitely have to use it every single day for results. It’s perfect if you only want to whiten your teeth slightly and not have an iridescent smile.
We have “Colgate Visible White” toothpaste where I live. It’s basically the same thing. I did find a lot of improvement in my teeth, but brushing thrice a day was little too much for me!
My favourite go-to whitening products are Crest. They work super well!
Great tips! Crest is also great!
Good post! I’m using this toothpaste together
with Stella White whitening strips. The strips does the big job and the tooth paste
keeps my teeth really white in between the treatments. ;)
nice to see your post.Great tips! Crest is also great!