Cotton Traders Blogger Event

A few weeks ago Branded3 invited me and Jon to Manchester for an evening with Cotton Traders at the Allotment Bar. Unfortunately life has gotten in the way and I am only just getting around to writing up the post for you, sorry!

cotton traders

The event was to see off the end of summer and have a little celebration before it got too cold. Neither of us have really been to Manchester, other than for a few past blogger events, so had never been to the Allotment Bar before.

cotton tradersAs a venue it was a very good pick, rustic, fun and allotment themed with great food and drinks. Not only was there food and drink but also photo props for instagram, a summer time quiz and a little scrap-book to take home for each blogger.

cotton traders

Before the event we had been asked to send in some photos of our summer and half way through the night were each given cute little scrap books and scrapbooking crafts as well as print outs of our photos. I loved this so much, having taken so many photos of our travels over the last summer and never printing them out!

cotton traders

Jon and I had a bash at the Summer Quiz and very surprisingly got all 8 questions right and won £100 shopping voucher! We are usually pretty terrible at quizzes so this came as a big surprise.

When leaving we each received goody bags of winter warmers to prep for the cold months, including Cotton Traders hot water bottle and fluffy socks, a Whittards hot chocolate spoon, shortbread and a stripy Sainsbury’s mug, perfect for a cosy night in!

cotton traders

Overall a lovely night, an excellent event from Branded3. Thank you for inviting me and a big thanks to Cotton Traders for helping me say goodbye to Summer and hello to Winter!



  1. Ingrid
    2015/11/10 / 11:41

    Loving the photo booth haha! Looks like a great event :)

  2. GoFashiondeals
    2015/11/10 / 20:11

    looks like a great event!!!

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