How to Share Your Travels with Others

Although travelling is often a personal experience where individuals take the opportunity to find their identity and see the world for themselves, many travellers want to share their experiences with family, friends and like-minded people. Now that the internet has allowed us to be constantly connected from anywhere in the world, it has never been easier to take your friends abroad with you. Whether for posterity or as a money-making campaign, there are many successful ways to share your favourite travel destinations with others. 

How to Share Your Travels with Others 1

Create a Travel Blog 

The most traditional, and often the most successful, way to share your travels online is to create a travel blog. This is the best option for frequent travellers who are looking for a place to regularly update interested parties without inundating their friend’s Instagram accounts. To create a travel blog, the first thing that you need to consider is the platform you will be using, with WordPress and BlogSpot being the most popular of these. However, you might also want to consider the advantages of using a web-hosting platform such as Krystal for your personal website. These web-hosting platforms make running a blog easy even from the other side of the world, with on-hand technical support, heightened security, and unlimited bandwidth available to access at any time. 

Use Social Media

You should also consider creating a travel-based account on social media. Although you might not want to boast about your latest holidays on your personal account, you can create as many accounts as you like as long as you have a number of email addresses available to connect the accounts to. This way, you will be able to share regular photographs and updates that can allow people from all over the world to track your journey. In fact, there are a large number of successful travellers who have managed to monetise their social media accounts through affiliate marketing and finding sponsors for their travels and videos. 

Write About Travelling

If you have a high level of writing skill, why not consider looking for a periodical or online newspaper that would be interested in publishing your travel stories and possibly even pay you to travel? There are many independent blogs and newspapers available online, many of which focus on travel, and these are often looking for guest posts for their blogs. This will enable you to write about your experiences without the commitment that comes with owning your own WordPress blog or domain name, while allowing you the additional opportunity to reach a large audience. 

How to Share Your Travels with Others 2

Review Attractions and Sights 

The easiest way to share your experiences in a useful manner, though, is to review the attractions and sights that you have visited abroad. Many individuals looking to go on holiday look at reviews before they travel to determine which attractions and hotspots are the best match for their itinerary. By leaving short comments about your stay, you will then be helping another traveller avoid some of your poor experiences and encouraging others to share the same great experiences that you had. 


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