New Home Wishlist – Cute and quirky homeware

Here are my favourite unique and quirky items for around the house on my New Home Wishlist. I love interesting and different pieces of homeware around my house, especially in the kitchen. I love Cath Kidston products anyway so they appear in the list. I also really love the Suck UK Terroist Tea Pot, I saw it in a shop years ago and think it’s awesome!

Which are your favourite pieces?

New Home Wishlist


Alessi Bird Kettle

Cath Kidston Provence Rose Set of 4 Cereal Bowls

Emma Bridgewater Sampler Round Cake Tins, Set of 3

Stag Rug Natural

Premier Housewares Cookbook Stand

Cath Kidston Patchwork Adjustable Apron

Suck UK Terroist Tea Pot

Suck UK Sharpener desk tidy



  1. BabyAvaxo .
    2014/01/31 / 14:47

    Great post!! Everything is super cute and girly.. Very unique! Love it :)

    Ava xox

  2. Lauren J
    2014/01/31 / 16:21

    I love those cereal bowls x

  3. frankie alex
    2014/01/31 / 16:19

    I love the cake tins!!! I am in need of a cake tin actually.. this reminded me :)

  4. Sarah McMaster
    2014/01/31 / 16:44

    I have the little egg holder – my mum gave me it for Christmas :D

  5. Charlyne D.
    2014/01/31 / 18:41

    I love the cake tins, they’re so pretty!

  6. melaniface
    2014/01/31 / 22:41

    Love that rug!!!

  7. Daniela
    2014/01/31 / 23:40

    Love the cereal bowls, so so sweet. :)

  8. Lizzy
    2014/02/01 / 01:41

    love this! the cereal bows are so cute and the cake tins so pretty

  9. 2014/02/01 / 04:24

    My favorite things from your list is the Cath Kidston Rose bowl set and her adjustable apron! I guess I must like Cath Kidston’s taste…..LOL! Just learnt something about myself I didn’t know…LOL!!

  10. 2014/02/01 / 05:15

    I hope you get them all soon! :3

  11. sarazbeautytonic
    2014/02/01 / 16:42

    i really like the cake tins!!!

  12. Shoegal Out In The World
    2014/02/01 / 20:01

    I am a fan of Kath Kidston, so naturally my eye was drawn upon the cereal bowls that would make every morning a bit more colorful & may I say happy… All in all great choices…

    Have a great weekend!!!

    xoxo Violeta

  13. thejollyfashionista
    2014/02/02 / 08:58

    Love the CK bowls; so pretty! xxx

    • 2014/02/08 / 00:51

      they’re gorgeous, love floral prints so much :D x

  14. Charlotte
    2014/02/05 / 15:19

    I can not believe that that rug is Argos! :o! I am in love! and the kettle… and the desk tidy.. oh all of it! Hope you don’t mind me sharing on pinterest….I’m hoping one of my friends might spot it in time for my brithday ;) lol! x

    • 2014/02/08 / 01:16

      Haha no please do put it on pinterest! Hope your friends get the hint :p xx

  15. Charlotte
    2014/02/20 / 20:50

    Oh my goodness everything is awesome! I especially love the sharpener desk tidy!

  16. Lucy
    2014/02/28 / 16:38

    How insanely cute is that egg cup!!!

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