No Home Is Complete Without These 5 Things


Whether you’ve just moved in or you’ve been at your current property for a long time, there’s nothing more important than making your home feel complete. This is where you’re going to be spending a lot of your time – it’s where you’ll enjoy downtime after work, and it’s your base of operations when you’re away from your job. With that in mind, it’s crucial to make your home feel like it’s fulfilling its potential to the fullest.

This is easier said than done, though. Sometimes, there’s just something missing from even the most cosy household. We’re about to tell you 5 things that your home needs to make it feel complete. Whether you’re in an apartment or a mansion, you can still pepper each room with these things and make your home feel like a more beautiful place to live. Here are 5 things without which no home is complete.

Custom furnishings – for that personal touch

Sure, you could fill every room in your home with store-bought furniture, but where’s the fun in that? Filling your home with high quality custom furniture and bespoke room arrangements gives it that personal touch. Each time you come home from work, you’ll feel like you’re surrounded by something that’s truly yours. Building a custom kitchen, for example, or a custom bedroom, means you know nobody’s got an arrangement quite like you have. What’s more, if you find yourself a great website like this one, you can specify exactly what you want your rooms to look like, meaning you can build a kitchen to accommodate your kitchen habits or a bedroom that fully supports your sleeping schedule. If you just need one or two pieces of furniture to complete a room, it’s still worth opting for custom builds because you can be sure your storage and size needs will be met. All in all, there are very, very few downsides to buying custom furniture and plenty of upsides.

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No Home Is Complete Without These 5 Things 2

No Home Is Complete Without These 5 Things 3


It’s true: plants can really uplift a home and make it feel complete. There are plenty of scientific benefits to installing plants around the house: reducing carbon dioxide levels, keeping air temperatures relatively low, and reducing dust levels, among other things. Plants also reduce stress levels, making them ideal for those with high-pressure jobs or those who simply feel the anxieties of life too keenly. Studies have also shown that plants improve concentration and focus, which means those who work from home should definitely have these little marvels dotted around their work environment. Put simply, there are very few reasons not to have plants in your house. If you want to make your home feel more complete, there aren’t many better ways than these chlorophyll-filled wonders. They look great, too, especially if you pick plants that are colourful or visually enticing. If you don’t think you’ll remember to water them regularly, try plants that are easy to take care of.

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No Home Is Complete Without These 5 Things 5

Photographs or artwork

No home is truly complete without a sense of identity, and photographs or art are an easy way to instil that. If you’re opting for photographs, try memories that are close to your heart, or family members you don’t regularly get to see. If you live with your family, displaying plenty of pictures of them can reinforce a sense of community in your house. If you’re more of an artwork person, then choose works that tastefully reinforce your personal preferences. Try not to pick anything massively disturbing or upsetting, especially if you suffer from mental health problems. That said, if your taste is to challenge or critique, then don’t shy away from interesting works. There are also plenty of ways for you to display these pictures so as to keep the act of displaying them interesting in itself. Every time you walk into a room, photographs and artwork will keep your home feeling fresh for you.No Home Is Complete Without These 5 Things 6

Good lighting

Nothing is worse than coming home after a hard day’s work to a bare, harsh light. By the same token, it’s pretty horrible to live in a place with very little or no light. You need to make sure your home is properly lit at all times, because if it isn’t, everything from your productivity to your basic emotional state will suffer. You could consider dimmer switches if you’re energy-conscious or you’re a control freak (like many of us here). Alternately, if you prefer a range of options when it comes to colours, you could see if your home is compatible with smart bulbs. There are lots of ways to set up soft and natural-feeling lighting in your home, so make sure you investigate them. Many people neglect lighting when it comes to improving their mood and making their home feel complete. Don’t let good lighting fall by the wayside.No Home Is Complete Without These 5 Things 7

A welcoming aroma

There’s no way to say this nicely: without spicing up the aroma, many homes will simply be full of undesirable smells. Whether it’s clothing that has been worn at work or pets creating smells all their own, a house can quickly fill up with things that will repel even the least keen nose. Human olfactory memory doesn’t acknowledge smells it’s familiar with, so you may not even know that this is happening in your home. As such, it’s important to complete your sense of homeliness by adding air fresheners or scented candles to each room. If you’re a cooking aficionado, you can also fill the house with scents of baking or cooking. This is especially important if you’re expecting guests. Smell is a neglected sense when it comes to creating a complete home, but you’d be surprised how much of a difference it can really make.


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