Travelling with the person you love? Remember these 4 travel tips

They say that the best way to see the world is with someone you love by your side, and because the world of travelling seems well suited to couples, it goes without saying that more and more couples are taking the plunge and heading off abroad to see the world together. 

The world is full of destinations that are just perfect for couples, from the stunning beaches of Barbados to the incredible, romantic views of Niagara Falls – click here to find out more about staying at the world’s most romantic destination – not only that, it’s easy to picture beautiful walks along the beach at dusk, watching the sun rise together, and strolling through ancient cities without a care in the world. 

But how can you ensure that your travel adventure doesn’t turn sour? Many couples who have travelled together have come out the other side, stronger and with a better bond then they did before…others, not so much. 

Travelling with the person you love? Remember these 4 travel tips 1

Read on for 4 travel tips that will make travelling with your partner easier – for both of you! 

Beware of the Hanger

We’ve all been a victim of hanger. Whether we’re the person who has it, or on the receiving end of someone who does…Travelling long hours means that normal meal times go out of the window, everything is off schedule and people get cranky and irritable when they’re hungry! Make sure you always have some snacks in your bag whenever you head out for the day and if one of you is showing signs of hanger, make a beeline for the nearest pizzeria or food stall and indulge one another. You’ll both feel much better. 

Spend a little time apart

Isn’t this meant to be a couples adventure? As true as that might be, spending some time apart on your travels is actually very healthy for your relationship. It gives you both a chance to enjoy your own space and hear your own thoughts. You might like to enjoy a stroll into the town, while your partner goes surfing down at the beach. You’ll have plenty to talk about when you see each other later on. 

Bring a small tripod for those beautiful couple shots

It might not make or break your relationship but having the opportunity to get some beautiful pictures together, makes it all worthwhile. Bring a small tripod with you and you can get that perfect picture. It’s also worth it if your partner isn’t as good at taking pictures as you are, after all, having nothing but blurry pictures of yourself while your partner enjoys a stunning portfolio doesn’t exactly have the feel good factor.

Go with the flow

It’s better to accept it now, that things are going to go wrong! Whether it’s a lost passport or a problem at the hotel, it’s easy to blame the person you love the most because you’re tired and frustrated. But it’s always worth remembering that some of the best travel memories you’ll make are of the times things didn’t go to plan. Go with the flow and you’ll enjoy it much more.


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