It’s Your Wedding But Don’t Forget About The Guests

When most couples are organising their dream wedding, they only think about themselves. They choose the kinds of wedding and reception venues that they have been dreaming about for years, and they always go with their favourites when it comes to the catering options and overall decor style. This is all fair enough of course as it is their wedding after all! However, you shouldn’t get so swept up in what you want – you also need to consider some things that your guests might like to see and do. If you don’t, you might have some very bored guests to deal with all day. And that could put a downer on your whole celebrations!

So, to make sure your guests don’t end up wishing they were somewhere else, try to remember the following pointers.

Get Evening Entertainment Everyone Will Enjoy

Weddings can often be very long days. After all, you will have the actual wedding ceremony in the morning or at lunch and then you’ll have to get to your reception. There’s often an evening do to finish off the day with. At the end of it, your guests could be feeling pretty tired! So, make sure you get some fun evening entertainment that everyone will enjoy and that will help to keep everyone’s energy levels up. A DJ like Benny Smyth or a wedding band would be a really good choice. Just make sure the playlist is quite poppy and contemporary so the majority of guests enjoy it.

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Get Talking On Social Media

These days, we are all online and you won’t be able to prevent some of your guests from checking their phones throughout the day. So, if you can’t beat them you might as well join them! The best thing you can do is to create your own hashtag for your big day so that everyone can tag all of their social media updates. This will keep the conversation going online, and it also gives you an easy way to find everyone’s photos of your wedding that are posted onto social media.

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Provide Plenty Of Photo Opportunities

People love taking photos to remember special days by, so it’s a good idea to provide your guests with a few different opportunities to get snap happy!

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For instance, you might want to leave some Polaroid cameras on the reception tables to that your guests can enjoy some instant photography. Alternatively, why not hire a photobooth to help everyone create some cool keepsakes of the fun day?

Add Some Lawn Games

If the weather is going to be nice and your venue has plenty of outdoor space, you can always think about adding some lawn games, such as croquet. All the guests, especially children, will love playing these in the sunshine.

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As you can see, there are some ways you can keep your wedding about you and your partner but still ensure that all of your guests have lots of fun. And then you can guarantee everyone will have a blast!

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Photograph c/o Stories of I Do Wedding Photography




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