Make Your Wedding Reception One To Remember With These Tips

Weddings are funny in that they’re split into two completely different parts. Part one is the ceremony, which is obviously a beautiful moment where the two of you tie the knot. Part two is probably the part most of your guests are looking forward to the most; the reception. This is where all the stress of planning a wedding fades away as you and your friends/family party into the early hours and enjoy delicious food.

Make Your Wedding Reception One To Remember With These TipsSaying that, you need to make sure your wedding reception gets remembered for all the right reasons. So, here are a few simple tips that will take yours to the next level.

Make Your Wedding Reception One To Remember With These Tips 1

Provide A Free Bar

Listen, no one likes going to a wedding and having to pay for their drinks. If you went to a wedding and had to do this, what would be your parting thought as you left? ‘Good wedding, but didn’t like paying for drinks.’ Yes, it can cost a lot to provide a free bar, but you’ll be repaid in lovely compliments about your wedding! It’s just a great way to ensure that everyone can have fun without needing to spend too much of their money. After all, they probably already spent a fair bit on your wedding presents, so this is your way of giving back to them!

Also, keep them well-fed! Of course the main meal or buffet goes without saying, but as the night draws on and the bubbles keep going down, make sure to provide some yummy snacks to keep the party going; finger-food, wedding popcorn, whatever you think they’ll love.

Hire A Photo Booth

If you’ve ever been to a party or event with a photo booth, then you already know how fun they are. When sober, they can seem a bit childish. But, after a couple of glasses of champagne, everyone loves getting funny photos taken. You can hire things like a Trez Photo Booth where the company actually turns all the photos into a guestbook, which is a great added bonus. But, mainly, you just want one to keep your guests happy and entertained. Expect a long line for your photo booth, but also expect so many funny memories being created!

Get Some Karaoke Going

Of course, you need musical entertainment at your wedding reception. Personally, I think a DJ is better than a live band because they can play pretty much any song in the world. But, on the topic of musical entertainment, you’ve got to get some karaoke going. Set up a machine for people to use, and you can have a little competition as well. If there’s one thing that’s guaranteed in life, it’s that drunk family members and a karaoke machine are a match made in heaven. It’ll cause so many laughs, and everyone loves belting out their favourite songs, so there’s no real downside to it. Obviously, you’re obliged to get up and sing as well – if anything, you and your partner should kick it all off!

With these tips, you’ll soon create a wedding reception that lives long in the memory of your guests. The secret is making your reception as fun and enjoyable as possible. A free bar certainly goes a long way to doing that, and the added entertainment options in a photo booth and karaoke help get everyone off their seats and having fun.

Photo c/o Stories Of I Do Leeds Wedding Photography



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