Making your travel dreams happen. 4 ways to fund your travel goals

Struggling with wanderlust? A lot of the world might be inaccessible right now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t start planning for your next travel adventure. The closure of airports and the ban on international travel simply means you have more time to plan your next trip down to the very last detail, as well as giving you more time to fund and finance those travel goals. 

Whether you have the holiday of a lifetime in mind, or you want to visit a specific city, or maybe the current restrictions have made you more determined than ever to see as much of the world as possible, you’re going to need plenty of money to get you where you need to be. Here we’ll take a look at 4 ways you can fund your travel goals and make those travel dreams happen.

Making your travel dreams happen. 4 ways to fund your travel goals 1

Cash in your Junior ISA

If you were lucky enough to have a cash ISA opened in your name when you were younger, then using the savings to fund your travel is a simple way to get you overseas. As long as you’re over 18 you’ll be able to access your funds. And you can use as much or as little of your ISA funds as you wish, so if you still have dreams of owning your first home as well as travelling the world, that may also be feasible. You can find out more about junior ISAs by clicking the link and speaking to the experts at Wealthify.

Freelance work

If your current income is a little modest and you’re unable to save due to other financial responsibilities, then why not consider taking on some freelance work? Freelance work is flexible and easily obtainable, which means you can complete commissions around your other work and home life. If you have a talent or a skill that you’re not putting to good use, then you should consider freelance work. Freelance writing, graphic design, photography and videography, data entry, even proofreading services are just some of the many options available to you. Search freelance job sites for more information.

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Take your current job with you

The pandemic has certainly changed the world. Including how we work. More companies than ever are asking their employees to work from home, and what was first considered a temporary solution is now a permanent option for many office workers. If remote working is something you’ve been propositioned with, then consider taking your current job overseas with you. You won’t have as much free time, but you’ll have a steady income as you travel and you won’t have to worry about finding another job when you return home.

And finally, find a job!

Alternatively, if you have to choose between employment and travel, then taking up a job whilst overseas will ensure you have plenty of money to enjoy whilst you explore the world. Bar and restaurant work, fruit and flower picking, lifeguarding, hotel staff, water park attendants, the list goes on. You’re sure to find something to suit your needs once the world opens up again. 



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