#nomakeupselfie bblogger tag – Cancer Awareness

#nomakeupselfie bblogger tag

I thought it would be a good idea to bring the trend that is currently going around on Twitter and Facebook to the bblogger community. Anything that can raise £2 million in donations in only 48 hours makes me want to be part of it!

nomakeupselfieIt started on Wednesday when Cancer Research UK shared it’s phone code for donating via their Facebook & Twitter, and since then it’s gone viral with many celebs becoming involved. I thought that it would be a good idea to get all the lovely bloggers to designate one post without makeup. Normally you only see us when we have a full face of makeup!

I’m tagging all you bbloggers to do a #nomakeupselfie post, from new beauty bloggers to the more well-known one.

If you are interested in donating you can text a photo of your selfie with either –

Text BEAT to 70099 – Donated £3
Text PINK to 50300 – Donated £4
Or pop over to Cancer Research UK and you can donate online to become part of it.

Post you involvement in the comments below so I can see your selfies! Tag other bloggers who you want to get involved or you think would want to be a part of this, I am leaving my tag (#nomakeupselfie) open to all bbloggers. Spread the word, and if you do donate feel free to post the image in the comments below. Would be amazing to see the impact us beauty bloggers and reader can have on this campaign.


  1. 2014/03/21 / 13:27

    This is such a great idea! This has been all over my facebook feed. Props to you for taking part in such a great cause :)

  2. 2014/03/21 / 13:30

    Amazing idea, so inspirational.
    Have an amazing day :)


  3. Isabella
    2014/03/21 / 13:45

    Nice idea!

  4. 2014/03/21 / 15:03

    Great idea! :)


  5. Maeva M
    2014/03/21 / 15:05

    I think it is such a great and nice idea so I posted a pic on my Instagram account #nomakeupselfie :)
    Nice post girl!


  6. shaunicalyn
    2014/03/21 / 15:24

    Its such a great idea

    you look lovey


  7. naomi
    2014/03/21 / 17:48

    Already Done :) Check my blog from Wednesday :) x


  8. 2014/03/21 / 18:28

    Very generous initiative and post!


  9. 2014/03/21 / 18:33

    I liked this so much, congrats!


  10. 2014/03/21 / 22:16

    you’re so pretty, even without makeup!

    wish that i could go without makeup…. sadly, i have skin irritations and red spots :(


  11. 2014/03/21 / 22:34

    Thank you for following me on Bloglovin! I’m new to the blogging world “again” still tweaking my site a bit this weekend. I was tagged to join in the “no makeup” cancer awareness, on Facebook, although putting it out there on the WWW, I might scare someone =)

  12. Lauren
    2014/03/21 / 23:19

    You look so pretty without makeup!

    Check out my beauty giveaway..



  13. Susannah Lu
    2014/03/22 / 00:39

    So pretty without makeup! You have amazing skin :)


  14. M
    2014/03/22 / 04:34

    I’m not in the UK, or I would participate, but your skin is flawless without makeup! And it’s a great cause!


  15. Chami Nguyen
    2014/03/22 / 05:48

    I joined this cause!


  16. 2014/03/22 / 21:01

    I wish I looked as nice as you without makeup on!

    Sarah xx

  17. taylor
    2014/03/23 / 13:50

    I nominated you for a Liebster award! Taylor x http://justtaylorx.blogspot.co.uk/

  18. ACosmeticsDevotee
    2014/03/23 / 19:20

    You look great without makeup! I really don’t understand why some people have been critical of this, its both promoting cancer awareness and encouraging women to be confident without makeup. I posted a #nomakeupselfie on my facebook :)


  19. 2014/03/23 / 19:37

    It’s a really good cause! I have to say, when it first started I was pretty sceptical. People are donating too though, which makes it all worthwhile. I joined in the fun and had a full-face of makeup last night! :D

    Good on you for participating too! :)


  20. 2014/03/24 / 22:50

    Great post…I did mine and it’s on my blog!


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