QuickMax Serum – Eyelash Growth Enhancer Review

QuickMax Serum

I recently trialled QuickMax Serum, an Eyelash Growth Enhancer. I have heard of products that claim to help give you longer, thicker or darker eyelashes and always wondered if they actually work. I was really dubious about the actual results I would see from testing out this product but was keen to see for myself how well it works. I was sent this by StyleLux, you can find my previous review on their blackhead killer face masks here.

I have tried the QuickMax Serum for about 3 weeks now. It works by applying it, like you would a liquid eyeliner, on the top of your eyelid every night. Be careful not to get it in your eye as it does sting a bit. It is clear and dries with no residue, leave on overnight and you can continue with your normal morning routine.

QuickMax Serum
QuickMax Serum

QuickMax Serum claims to achieve thicker, fuller, longer and darker eyelashes from as little as 1 week but recommends looking for results after 15 days. 21 days later and I have seen results. Originally I wondered if I were experiencing a placebo effect, thinking that I was seeing results just because I was using QuickMax Serum and consciously checking how my eyelashes looked.

I have never had particularly long eyelashes, fairly average length but dark as I also have dark eyebrows. They have always gone lighter towards the end of the lash and QuickMax Serum has not changed this, there has been no darkening effect on my lashes. I also can’t say that I have seen any change in eyelash length, it may have been a slight change but nothing noticeable. The effect that has been the most prominent is the thickness and fullness Quickmax has made to my eyelashes. I almost feel as though I have 2 sets of top lashes and I am really impressed with how quickly I began to notice this effect.

QuickMax Serum

Have you tried Eyelash Growth Enhancers before? What were your results?

QuickMax Serum (Same as InstaNatural Eyelash)


  1. 2014/05/01 / 18:35

    thanks for the review. Do you have a before shot? I would love to see the before and after shot side by side

  2. 2014/05/01 / 18:47

    this sounds really cool!! I definitely will consider trying this out !!

    Little Beauty Blog
    Elizabeth x

  3. mikaylaa.s
    2014/05/01 / 19:11

    I’ve always been curious about eyelash enhancers, but never tried one. Love the review!


  4. Brianna Flores
    2014/05/01 / 19:46

    This is so great, thank you!

  5. Antonella Zammit
    2014/05/01 / 19:57

    They worked out great for you ! My lashes are the same as yours! Definitely trying this out !


  6. 2014/05/01 / 20:51

    I’ve only tried the Ecrinal lash serum years ago and i used it for my brows as I had a bad wax. Even though I’m fine with my lashes and they are long, I still would take some volume!

  7. Laurel Loves
    2014/05/01 / 21:20

    Sounds cool! I like the idea of having thicker lashes! Great review.


  8. karen_
    2014/05/01 / 22:37

    I’ve never come across a product like this – a very interesting read! I suppose we can’t expect too much with these sort of products :)



  9. Jessica Whitbread
    2014/05/01 / 23:44

    I’ve never tried a “proper” eyelash serum before, but I do apply Vaseline to my lashes before bed, I find it really strengthens and nourishes my lashes, I don’t feel the need for a lash enhancer!


  10. 2014/05/02 / 07:20

    I have NEVER heard of such a product before. EVER! But, I kinda wanna try it now :’)


    • MariaGei
      2016/11/11 / 05:55

      I use the Aphro Celina Eye lash, believe it’s made in Germany , and I get it send to Australia…
      I can guarantee that it works…

  11. Rachael McClenaghan
    2014/05/02 / 12:31

    Would love to try this out. Sounds amazing!

    Rachael x
    All The Little Things x | Rachael McClenaghan

  12. Emma Farthing
    2014/05/02 / 12:52

    I’m obsessed with trying to find a good eyelash growth serum, this one sounds really good I’ve not really heard much about it before.



  13. Celine
    2014/05/02 / 16:43

    This sounds really interesting! I’ve never tried a proper eyelash serum before, only coconut oil, which I did a post on here!


  14. Mindy R
    2014/05/02 / 22:18

    Super interesting idea! I’ve thought about using a serum, but worried it wouldn’t ever really work. Might try this one! Otherwise, there’s always a lash perm….

  15. Madi Brown
    2014/05/03 / 17:51

    Madi Brown SEES clearly that it works. Flirty Eyelashes are a girl’s BEST accessory.
    For Reals, and Love you the most,
    Madi Brown

  16. irene
    2017/01/10 / 07:57

    this is a rip off even life threatening i tried abit on my hand before i dare put it any where near my eyes and i got a burning sensation up my arm followed by a panic attack shortness of breath contemplated calling an ambulance i am sending it back saying so …dont touch it please ladies.

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