Pedi Socks Product Review – Pedi Soxs


Pedi Socks Product Review – Pedi Soxs

Slightly different type of product review for you guys today. It’s a product that’s for your feet rather than the normal makeup/nails reviews that I have done a lot recently. Disclaimer: So if you’re not a huge fan of feet (such as me…) don’t look at this post. Anyways on with the review! Today’s review is about Pedi Sox(Pedi Socks). The main thinking behind this product is that you put these on during your pedicure process just before you paint your toenails. This allows the moisturiser to absorb and keep your feet cosy and warm while your waiting for the polish to dry.

The two pairs that I have got sent to review are white with black spots and white with pink edges. The great thing about Pedi Sox is that it comes with loads of colour options.  All are machine washable, so you don’t have to worry about throwing them in the wash with everything else.  As you can see they are basically toe-less socks, while on paper it might sound like something Steptoe and son would have, it is actually really warm and cosy to wear. The elasticated ends kees all the heat locked in.
pedi socks
I also was send some SofSpa Softening cream, that you use on your feet you would with any moisturiser and then put the socks on over night. I’ve done it a few nights now and my feet feel fanatastic.
pedi socks
Think my boyfriend has been eyeing up the other pair as he’s been looking jealously at them for the past few days. I’m so happy with them as with summer coming I want prettier feet for strappier, smaller footwear. I don’t look after my feet as much as I should so I think I’ll make this part of my regular pedicure treatment.

Have any of you guys tried out pedi-sox products? What was your experience.

PediSox’s* – Amazon


  1. 2014/04/30 / 20:17

    Great review, I need to look after my feet more too, xoxo.

  2. Jessica Whitbread
    2014/04/30 / 22:48

    Such a great idea! I could do with a pair of these!

  3. 2014/05/01 / 07:14

    What a good idea! Might have to check them out!
    xo Holly xo

  4. CoCoJo
    2014/05/01 / 12:33

    Those are so cute! I usually can’t wear socks when I sleep to keep moisturizer on them. I bet I could sleep with these on! xx

  5. DeAsia Nichelle
    2014/05/01 / 16:04

    wonderful idea for summer time–perfect feet and toes for sandal season!

  6. mikaylaa.s
    2014/05/01 / 19:30

    great idea, perfect for getting your feet ready for summer and sandals! I will have to keep an eye out for these!

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