Themed Weddings and their Unrivalled Epic Beauty

Gone are the days of boring wedding parties with a simple band, ring exchange and bad food! Today’s ultra-modern weddings are all about creating a stylish statement. From the magnificent venue to elegant flowers, classy dress codes, tantalising foods, pre-wedding shoot, and much more is prevalent currently. 

Above all, weddings these days are theme-based. Some of the common ones include destination weddings, beach weddings, garden weddings, fairy-tales and so on. These are all tried by couples in recent years.

However, if you are looking for something even more distinctive, we have a few ideas for themed weddings for you below. Keep reading!

Themed Weddings and their Unrivalled Epic Beauty 1

Movie Style Wedding

As the name suggests, the wedding will obviously be based on a movie. The bride and the groom can pick a favourite movie of their choice to create its theme. 

You can pick any movie style like a superhero (Batman, Spiderman etc), gangster, gothic (like that in Twilight), witches-wizard (Harry Potter style), and such.

The idea here is to create the dress code corresponding to these movie themes. The venue must be decorated to bring out the essence of that particular movie. The elegance featured in these films can be replicated in the wedding too.

Themed Weddings and their Unrivalled Epic Beauty 2

Casino Style Wedding

For a casino wedding, you can travel to some places which are famous for casinos. Some of the instances include Las Vegas, Macau, and Singapore. These destinations help in enhancing the idea of your theme appropriately. 

However, if you can’t travel, you can bring the charm of the casino to your ceremony with casino weddings. You can even mix movie and casino styles to create an ultimate wedding theme. Take details from movies like Ocean’s franchise which feature the casinos elaborately. 

The interiors of the marriage venue could be dubbed to look like an actual casino. Your wedding cards can be styled in the form of playing cards. Add a few games like roulette, slots etc., for your guests to enjoy after food. But be sure to ask them beforehand to check out some fast payout casinos uk in the UK to polish their gambling skills online and bring all their earnings for the afterparty.

Even the wedding cake can be made based on some casino game. Moreover, you can add a cupcake decorated like a dice or casino chips! There are several ideas you can bring to the table and style your wedding accordingly!

Wedding in a Vineyard

If you do not want an indoor event, step out into the abundance of the lush green vineyard. The vineyard can give out a fresh look. However, you must take care of the rest of the decorations.

Throw in some empty wine barrels while furnishing the place. Go for the fresh flowers with appropriate colours to accentuate the greenery around. The white or red flowers will suit best rather than dull yellow or burgundy.

Make sure the weather is not too windy. If it is, bring in some festive roofs and covering to shelter the event. 


Boho Chic Wedding

A Bohemian wedding takes inspiration from the fabled woodland of the fairy tales. They incorporate various kinds of woodlands to bring out the elegance in the décor.

Some of the popular ideas include terracotta theme, rusty look, golden, sunset and what not! There is a lot to choose from here. 

Every idea is styled in a unique way. For instance, a rusty theme features almost everything in rust or brown colour paired with some other colour like white, whether it’s flowers or vase, carpets, table cloths, you name it!

Furthermore, the sunset look can showcase candles and partially-dried grassland. You can bring in gold, caramel with white or orange colours to the party. It not only brightens the atmosphere but also fits the theme seamlessly.


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