Travelers Like Vikki Gerrard La Crosse WI Love These 5 Touches In AirBnB Locations

When trying to make your Airbnb rental property stand out among the competition, it’s essential to focus on the little details that will make a big impression on your guests, like Vikki Gerrard La Crosse WI. These five tips are guaranteed to please even the most discerning and experienced travelers.

A Welcoming Entrance 

The entrance is the first thing your guests will see when they arrive at your rental. Make sure it’s clean, welcoming, and inviting by keeping the area well-lit and clutter-free. A fresh coat of paint can also go a long way in making an excellent first impression.

Comfortable Beds 

After a long day of exploring, your guests will appreciate being able to relax in a comfortable bed. Make sure all the beds in your rental are clean and comfortable, with plenty of pillows and soft sheets. It’s also a good idea to provide additional blankets if some of your guests get cold at night.

Well-Stocked Kitchen 

A well-stocked kitchen is a must for any AirBnb rental. Not only should there be plenty of dishes, pots, and pans available, but you should also make sure there are enough essential cooking ingredients like salt, pepper, and olive oil on hand. If you want to impress your guests, you can leave some breakfast staples like cereal, milk, and coffee in the fridge. Just inform them ahead of time, so they don’t buy their own.

Clean Bathrooms 

Nothing ruins a vacation faster than having to deal with dirty bathrooms. Be sure to clean thoroughly before each guest arrives, paying particular attention to the toilets, sinks, and showers. If you have any bath products available (shampoo, conditioner, soap), be sure to put them out so they can be easily found.

A Helpful Host 

Perhaps the most important thing you can do to make your guests feel welcome is to be a helpful host. Be available if they need anything, but also give them plenty of space to enjoy their vacation on their terms. If you live nearby, it might even be worth leaving a list of local attractions and restaurants for them to enjoy during their stay. But even if you cannot be there in person, you can still provide helpful information by leaving an informative welcome booklet at the rental property.

Other Small Touches To Consider

In addition to the five tips above, you can add a few other small touches to your Airbnb rental to make it more inviting for guests. 

A Welcome Note

A welcome note is a simple yet effective way to make guests feel welcomed and appreciated. A personal touch like this can go a long way in making your guests feel at home.

A Welcome Basket

A welcome basket is a small gesture that can go a long way in making guests feel welcome and appreciated. Fill the basket with locally-sourced snacks, a map of the area, and a few other items that will be useful to guests during their stay. This will allow them to familiarize themselves with the area and settle in without worrying about finding these things themselves.

Offer Discounts To Local Attractions

One of the best parts about traveling is exploring new places. Help your guests make the most of their trip by providing discounts to local attractions. This could be anything from museums and restaurants to tours and events. Your guests will appreciate the savings, and you’ll score some brownie points for being a fantastic host.

Give Them A Taste Of The Local Flavor

No matter where you’re located, there are probably some unique foods that your area is known for. Why not give your guests a taste of the local flavor by leaving out some snacks? This is a great way to show off your region’s cuisine and give your guests something to munch on during their stay.

 Plenty of Natural Light 

There’s nothing worse than feeling trapped in a dark and dreary rental. That’s why ensuring that the AirBnb you’re considering has plenty of natural light is essential. This will help you feel more relaxed and comfortable during your stay. Pay attention to both the photos and the description when searching for rentals—if the listing mentions anything about skylights or large windows, that’s usually a good sign. 

Complimentary Toiletries

Guests will appreciate having access to toiletries like shampoo, conditioner, soap, and towels when they arrive. This will save them from having to pack these items or buy them when they get there, making their stay more comfortable. It’s also a good idea to include a blow dryer and an iron so guests can touch up their hair before heading out for the day. 

Fresh Flowers or Plants

Fresh flowers or plants add both color and life to a space. They are an easy way to make a room feel more welcoming and inviting. Plus, travelers like Vikki Gerrard La Crosse WI will appreciate a touch of luxury.

Final Thoughts

By following these simple tips, you can be sure that your Airbnb will stand out from the rest and that your guests will have a memorable experience. So what are you waiting for? Start making those changes today.


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